The Apple Tree

A selection of weird and wonderful animals on a farm, standind in front of a single apple tree

Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who lived in a cottage on their small farm.  In the field next to the cottage stood a big apple tree…


Every summer the farmer watched the apples grow until he knew it was time to pick them off the tree. It was now the end of summer, and he thought to himself “tomorrow I'll pick the  apples, they look perfect now!” The next morning he went out to the tree and he couldn't believe his eyes. All the apples were gone - someone had stolen them!

He was so angry, he called out to the animals who lived on the farm. 

Now the farmer had a strange mixture of animals. There were cows, sheep, donkeys, a lion, a hippo and a small puppy. He was so upset that someone had stolen all his apples, he couldn't stand still and jumped up and down as he spoke to the animals.

Where have my apples gone?

Where can they be?

Look, there's nothing left

Not one apple on my tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

Moo-moo-moo said the cow

Zee-zee-zee said the bee

It certainly wasn't us

Who stole the apples from the tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

Was it you Jo-jo Hippo?

Why do you look at me?

Have you ever seen a hippo

Slowly climbing up a tree?

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

He-he-haw said the donkey

Ba-ba-ba said the sheep

Who ever stole the apples

Has been really really mean.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

Never you cheeky puppy

I know it couldn't be

You're not strong enough

To shake the apples from the tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

Then a chirping noise came

From way above the field

Hello Mr. Farmer

Would you like to talk to me?

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

I'm only a tiny bird

You would be amazed what I can see

I know who it was

Who stole the apples from the tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Then who said the farmer

Stole the apples from the tree?

The lion Mr. Farmer

And his friend the tiny flea

They ate all the apples

That were hanging from the tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

It was us Mr. Farmer

Who stole the apples from the tree

I'm sorry said the lion

I'm sorry said the flea

We knew all along

Who stole the apples from the tree

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

Next year said the farmer

Share the apples on the tree.

Rah-rah-rah said the lion

He-he-he said the flea

And that was the story of

The farmer's apple tree.


Cilla My Gorilla


Wussy-Wussy & Me