Cilla My Gorilla

Cilla the Gorilla stands smiling behind a cute teddy bear. Cilla has a pink bow in her hair.

At night while everyone is sleeping

Cilla is out dancing instead


My sister Mary, and I

sleep in the same room

She has a teddy bear

And I have a teddy gorilla

Mary is only a baby

She’s not as big as me

I am nearly five years old

But Mary’s only three

Mary’s teddy bear is tiny

It really is quite small

He is always smiling

I don’t like teddy bears at all

I like big teddys

Mummy got me a gorilla

I wanted a nice name for her

So I called my teddy Cilla

Cilla has big brown eyes

And a little flat nose

She has lots of furry hair

From her head down to her toes

Do Teddys come alive at night

Running around having fun?

I don’t think Cilla would

She’d just sit there on her bum

No, I’ve changed my mind

That really wasn’t fair

I’m sure Cilla would love to play outside

With all the teddy bears

Imagine if they come alive

As soon as we fall asleep

They’d go racing down the stairs

To meet their friends from down the street

Laughing, talking, holding hands

Singing with all their might

Teddys having lots of fun

Dancing through the night

But now they’re getting tired

They’re running out of puff

Teddys must go home

Before the sun comes up

Maybe that’s why Cilla looks tired

Sitting on my bed

At night while everyone is sleeping

Cilla is out dancing instead

Once when it was raining

We went upstairs to play

I pretended to cook the dinner

And feed the teddys that day

Oh what a mess we made

It really was so funny

Everytime I fed Cilla

The food fell down over her tummy

Bits of popcorn in her hair

Sticky sweets stuck to her face

Mummy will be angry

There was food all over the place

Mummy called out to us

“What are you girls doing up there?”

“Its alright Mummy” I said

We’re playing with our teddy bears

Then Mummy crept up the stairs

And poked her head around the door

“Oh my goodness what have you done

Look at the food all over the floor!”

I know Mummy

Cilla is a messy eater

But I had so much fun

Trying to feed her

When my friends come to our house

They all want to play with Cilla

They want to take her home

But Cilla is my gorilla

Cilla loves to lie on my bed

And cuddle up with me

After Mummy reads us a story

We close our eyes and fall asleep




The Apple Tree