Wussy-Wussy & Me

A child and their cat, Wussy-Wussy, sit on a rug reading about pirate adventures

Have I told you about my friend

Wussy-Wussy our pussy cat?


Have I told you about my friend

Wussy-wussy our pussy cat?

We love playing outside together

And running around out the back.

Mummy says I gave her that name

When I was small

When I was a baby

And Wussy-wussy a fury ball.

She doesn’t say too much

She leaves the talking to me

But we’re best friends

Wussy-wussy and me.

When I woke up this morning

It was a lovely sunny day

Wussy-wussy was waiting

What was she trying to say?

She looked at me

With her head turned to one side

I know she was saying

“Come on, let’s play outside!”

I ran upstairs

And got dressed in a hurry

I put on my old clothes

In case I got muddy.

Then I hurried back down

Went out the front door

There was Wussy-wussy

Running round the front lawn.

She ran over to me

And I stroked her head

You must always be gentle with animals

That’s what Mummy said.

I like to watch the birds

Flying from tree to tree

So I walked around to the back of our house

With Wussy following me.

We have trees in our back garden

And tall hedges around the sides

The grass is very high in here

It’s a great place to hide.

I climb onto a branch

I’m on a ship out at sea

We’re the baddest pirates

Wussy-wussy and me.

The branch is swaying

The sea is getting rough

There’s a ship up ahead

They might have treasure and stuff!

The waves are getting higher now

I’m covered in spray

We race through the sea

Don’t let them get away

Bang!! Our mast breaks in half

Now we can only go slow

They were lucky this time

We’ll have to let them go.

The sea is calm now

The wind has died down

But our mast is broken

We have to turn around

Other pirates keep away

They don’t like us very much

We have to row ashore now

I think it’s time for lunch.

I wonder what pirates eat

When they’re resting on the sand

Do they drink milk from coconuts

And eat stale bread and jam?

I’ll eat my lunch really quick

And tell Mummy about out pirate game

Then I’ll run outside as fast as I can

And climb up the tree again.

“Don’t frighten the birds up in the trees”, Mummy said,

“They are much smaller than you”.

But I’m only having fun

And Wussy loves to chase them, too

Later a bird landed on the branch

Of a tree nearby

It flew so close to me

I got a big big fright.

Wussy wasn’t frightened, she crept up the tree

Oh no! She’s starting to fall!

But as she fell down she turned around

And landed on her paws

I know if I fell out of a tree

I wouldn’t land on my feet

I would fall through the air

And land in a heap.

I’d go crying to Mummy

Telling her my knee was sore

Wussy-wussy didn’t cry

She wanted to climb some more.

So, digging her claws in deep

She tried again

Climbing up higher this time

But then…

The bird saw her and flew up to the sky

Then looked down at Wussy, saying

“If you want to catch me

You’ll have to learn to fly!”

Come down now Wussy

It’s time for a rest

We’ll leave the birds now

Leave them safe in their nests.

I can hear Mummy calling

It’s time to go inside

I’m feeling hungry now

I’m glad it’s dinner time.

Come on Wussy-wussy

I’ll pour some milk for you

And put meat in your bowl

I know you like that too.

My dinner is on the table

I must wash my hands real quick

Pussy cats don’t like water

They just give their paws a lick.

After I ate all my dinner

I watched cartoons on T.V.

I didn’t see too many though

I was starting to fall asleep.

Mummy I’m tired now

Will you read me a story?

We’ve had great fun today

Wussy-wussy and me

We ran around outside

Played pirates up a tree

I wonder if Wussy-wussy is tired now

And feels sleepy, like me.


The Apple Tree


A Day Out At The Zoo