A Day Out At The Zoo

A child sits on the grass reading. He is in front of a zoo. There is a monkey swinging on a vine at the entrance. A giraffe is looking out over the walls.

To us monkeys

Children are very strange


I am a little monkey

I live here in the zoo

With my Mummy and my Daddy

And my sister Mary-Lou.

Everyone enjoys

A day out at the Zoo

You like to look at us

And we like to look at you.

Boys and girls have funny hair

Coloured yellow, red or black

Sometimes we see girls with hair so long

It's falling down their backs.

Our hair is very short

We even have it on our feet

Mummy loves to clean our hair

To give herself a treat.

She searches slowly through the hairs

For tiny fleas and lice

Then puts them in her mouth

She says they're really really nice.

We are very lucky

To live here in the Zoo

Our keeper feeds us

And cleans our house out too.

Do children have keepers who feed them

And keep their houses clean

Or do they feed themselves

And live high up in the trees?

Why do children wear shoes

And all those funny clothes

How can they climb trees?

I've never seen their toes.

To us monkeys

Children are very strange

Watch them run inside

Anytime it starts to rain.

I think people are silly

They are always pointing at me

Why do children laugh and scream

Anytime I have to pee?

Children never stop eating

There is always something in their mouths

To eat lots of ice-cream

They need mouths as big as ours.

We eat good food

Like berries, leaves and nuts.

Not chocolate, crisps and sweets

We don't like them very much.

Sometimes we see a child

With food all over its face

If we ate our food like that

It would be a big disgrace.

Boys and girls are funny

They can't walk on their feet and hands

They always stand up straight

I just don't understand.

I can climb up branches

With my sister on my back

I don't think boys and girls

Could climb on a tree like that.

The visitors are going home now.

The boys and girls are tired

Mummy is calling out to us

It's time to go inside.

So remember the next time

You have a day out at the Zoo

Come and see the monkeys

We like to look at you.


Wussy-Wussy & Me